Double The Magic

Mystique & Fritz with a Z


A magic ensemble from Stockholm, we are excited to welcome 50% of Mystique.

Leif Olberius has performed throughout Sweden and Europe, toured in Japan with Martin Hansson, has spent half a lifetime on cruise ships. For some reason Leif also likes taking old magic tricks, even old cane and silk magic, finding new ways of putting them together, and using them as pieces in his own show.

Martin Hansson has been a professional magician for almost 30 years and has performed in almost every possible venue ranging from the Magic Castle to a Finnish sauna. In later years he decided to create a competition act and his Sad Clown act was born where he won several first prizes with. Notably, a fourth place at the world magic championships.

Fritz with a Z, the award-winning magician who appeared on numerous TV shows worldwide and has been mentioned in loads of international magic publications, has now finally set foot in Amsterdam. With his sleight of hand and surefire comedy, he will have your jaws drop and your smile muscles put to the test.

Was in Mascini
op woensdag 20 maa 2024

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